Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This week has been a bit disappointing in regards to the medical aspects. We started at a new hospital and there has been very little guidance/teaching. We were left to read charts one afternoon. I don’t know if Indian medical students are more proactive, but I would feel tremendously invasive wandering around the hospital inquiring doctors about their patients. It has been very hot and muggy here, not Bangkok hot, but Mitchum certainly doesn’t work worth a damn. I was compelled to buzz my head, and now I’m a bit cooler. I’ve dispelled the old-wives tale of catching a cold from sleeping with the fan on because ours has been on full blast every night.We are still eating very well. Our personal(!) cook has given us a few lessons. We also discovered an amazing ice cream store right below our building. Yesterday, we made a couple of stops throughout the day. I think we have tried more than a dozen flavors already. If we hadn’t found a gym I would probably come back a bit rounder.

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